Start consultation
It will only take you 3 minutes. Your opinion is very valuable, so with your participation you contribute to building a democracy of results.
The Government of the State of Chiapas, through the State Department of Finance, is responsible for the management, custody, and protection of the personal data that you may provide, which will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law in Possession of Obligated Subjects of the State of Chiapas. This data will be collected and processed exclusively for the receipt of citizen proposals, and no transfer of personal data will be made to external entities., You can consult the privacy policy at  link

Fill in the blanks with your personal information
1. How satisfied are you as a resident of Chiapas?
Very satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not satisfied at all
2. How much confidence do you have in the current government?
A lot
A little
3. What do you consider to be the top five issues that the government should address?
Fight against corruption
Urban planning
Housing and basic services
Science, technology and innovation
Public services
Urban infrastructure
Roads, paving and patching
Tourist infrastructure
Support from social programs
Public safety
Health services
Emegency management
Public transportation regulation
Recreation and culture
Job creation
4. Of the following topics, which is the most important that the government should address?
Insecurity and corruption
Lack of social welfare
School dropout
Low economic development
5. In general terms, describe the issue mentioned in question number 4.
6. Type in your proposal
7. Attach your proposal in PDF format, 5 MB size max.
8. Enter verification data